We are starting a Lantern Hill golf league and we are looking for “A Few Good (Bad, Mediocre…Mostly Fun) Golfers”.
Our Motto will be:
To sign up:
pls contact Joe Hogan at jahogan@comcast.net ATTN: LHGL Sign up.
Pls sign up by:
Friday May 3rd so we can finalize the May 16th Tee Time
Click here for more details

Lantern Hill Meet and Greet
Friday, June 2, 2023, 6:00 –8:00 pm.
Join us in the square in front of the gazebo.
Snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, and live music will be provided. Bring a chair.
Rain date Friday, June 9

Halloween 2022 House Decorating Contest

Thanks to all who took the time to decorate their home for our second annual Halloween House Decorating Contest. There were so many awesome participants who received votes! This year's overall winner was Sara Webber, 206 Lantern Drive.
Next neighborhood activity is the 6th Annual Holiday Carolling party. Stay tuned to the Save The Date tab for details.